I think most of us can agree that finding any opportunity to share a read aloud with our 4th and 5th grade students is extremely beneficial. Connecting them to upcoming holidays is a great way to squeeze them in. Here are some president books for kids that are perfect to to read aloud with your students this Presidents’ Day.
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1. So You Want to be President
So You Want to be President will teach your students random facts about the former presidents of the United States through funny images. It reads more like a comprehensive guide, but it will have your students learning while laughing at the random facts they will learn.
2. If I Ran for President
If I Ran for President is an entertaining yet informative book. Not only is it a good conversation starter of what it involves to run a campaign, it gives the reader an inside look into some of the fun things (and not so fun things) involved with running.
This book lends itself well to having students write an opinion piece as to whether they would want to run for president one day.
3. If I Were President
If I Were President provides a light introduction to the duties of being president such as being in charge of the armed forces and working with Congress to make laws. It also showcases some of the perks of being president. For example, you will have a chef, a bowling alley, and a movie theatre inside your house.
This book also lends itself to a discussion or an opinion writing piece on whether your students would be interested in being president in the future.
Presidents Day is celebrated in February in honor of Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays. Here are a few books focused on these two presidents that your students are sure to enjoy and learn from.
4. George Washington’s Birthday: A Mostly True Tale
George Washington’s Birthday: A Mostly True Tale is a somewhat fictional tale that also includes some facts. This book has a clever approach to history. Your students will discover the truths and myths about George Washington.
5. A Picture Book of George Washington
A Picture Book of George Washington is a clear and concise biography of George Washington. It covers important facts and historical background. This book not only makes an informative read aloud, but it is also a great book for any student wanting to do research on Washington.
This book is part of a series written by David Adler who also wrote:
6. Abe Lincoln’s Hat
Abe Lincoln’s Hat is a captivating book that centers on arguably the most recognized hat in the world. It tells the story of how Lincoln became recognizable for the tall “stovetop” hat he wore and how he used it to store letters and notes.
7. Abe’s Honest Words: The Life of Abraham Lincoln
Abe’s Honest Words: The Life of Abraham Lincoln is part of the Big Words Book series. As with all the other books in the series, the images are large and captivating making it perfect as a read aloud. The text is presented in a prose fashion. It is a perfect way to incorporate poetry and the breaking down of text.
Other President books in the series:
While Presidents’ Day is usually associated with Washington and Lincoln, it is a great time to dive into some other neat stories about former presidents.
8. Worst of Friends: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and the True Story of an American Feud
Worst of Friends: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and the True Story of an American Feud dives into the friendship between Jefferson and Adams. While they were good friends, there was turmoil between them when they realized they had different views on how the new nation should be run.
This book is both historical and humorous. Readers will get an insight into how these friends overcame their differences and were able to stay friends.
9. Thomas Jefferson Builds a Library
Thomas Jefferson Builds a Library tells the story of how Jefferson collected thousands of books on hundreds of subjects. It gives the reader the visual of how important Jefferson thought reading was. His book collection helped rebuild the Library of Congress which is now one of the biggest libraries.
Read alouds are a great way to build community and teach students about different subjects. Hopefully these president books for kids in upper elementary give you new titles you can share with your students this February.