Our state writing test is right around the corner. Nerves are kicking in and some are weary. When motivation seems to be dropping, this is usually an indication that a classroom transformation is in order. Just walking into a “new room” is enough to get students motivated to work their hardest. At this time of the year, I create a courtroom experience for my students where they were able to apply skills they’ve learned about text-based opinion writing in order to develop a focused and well supported paragraph.
Setting the stage for a classroom transformation begins with a costume of course. I mean, isn’t being able to take on a roll and play a character half of the fun? Today, the Honorable Judge de Cardenas showed up to the courtroom. The two essential items I needed were purchased online through Amazon: a robe (more like … a graduation gown) and a gavel. I will include an Amazon Affiliate link below that you can click on in case you are interested in checking out the ones I purchased.
Amazon Affiliate link means Amazon will toss a few pennies my way if you purchase something through my link at no extra cost to you. 😉
Luckily, not much is needed here. The items used were:
- black table clothes from the Dollar Tree
- Florida’s District Court of Appeals seal (printed and laminated)
- a desk name plate printed on yardstick paper
The background of the judge’s bench was turned into a black background with the black table clothes, and the kidney-shaped table was covered with them as well. I then taped and stapled the laminated court seal onto the tablecloth in the background and placed the printed desk name plate on the table. Lastly, I added our classroom’s American Flag and a gavel to the table, and the stage was set!
Once the main area was set, I organized the students’ desks into groups of three to allow for manageable collaborative groups. Then, I placed “Jury Pool” numbers at each group to help me sort students into groups and easily assign prompts and articles.
1. Two copies of four different text sets:
- School Uniforms
- Students Participating in Activities to Improve Their School
- Musical Instruments in School
- Students Switching Classes in Elementary School
2. Cards with the “prompt” informing the students what they would be writing about and what side
they were to take (in support of or against a certain topic).
3. Jury Notes Template
These were filled out as students listened to others’ paragraphs in order to track the elements of
their paragraphs.
1. I set up the Jury Pool Desk Plates at each group of 3. Then, as students walked in, I handed them a
jury pool card with a number on it. They had to find the matching desk plate and sit in that group.
2. Each jury pool was given a group of texts, all centered around the same topic. (Pictured above in
the RESOURCES section)
- Groups 1 and 2: school uniforms
- Groups 3 and 4: participating in school improvement activities
- Groups 5 and 6: playing a musical instrument at school
- Groups 7 and 8: switching classes at school
They were required to read the text set together and look for pros and cons for the prompt.
3. Once they were done reading the text, I came around and handed them their “Case Card.”(Pictured
above in the RESOURCES section) The case card told them whether they were to write about
supporting the prompt or take the stand against it.
Therefore, there was one group who wrote about being in favor of school uniforms, while another
group wrote about being agains school uniforms.
4. Students then collaborated to plan and write a well developed paragraph together using the
TRACE method. (You can read more about the TRACE method HERE.) They were given about
30-35 minutes to accomplish this task.
5. Every student then received a Jury Notes template (Pictured above in the RESOURCES section)
in preparation for the presentations.
6. Jury Pools were called up one at a time.
They were asked to state their case for the jurors, and read their paragraphs to the other jurors.
7. The other jurors were responsible for writing the case title in the Jury Notes template next to the
correct case number. As they listened to the paragraphs, they placed a checkmark in the correct
boxes when they heard the information read. For example, when the heard:
- a transitional word or phrase at the beginning of the paragraph, they placed a checkmark in the “T” box
- a restatement of the prompt ,they placed a checkmark in the “R” box
- an answer or reason, they placed a checkmark in the “A” box
- a citing from the text, they placed a checkmark in the “C” box
- an elaboration or clarification, they placed a checkmark in the “E” box
(Reminder: you can read more information about the TRACE method HERE.)
where can I get these materials?
Hi. You can click on the links through out the post. They will lead you to where the materials can be found. I hope that answers your question. =)