We know it is always a good time to speak to children about kindness. However, World Kindness Day or Random Acts of Kindness day are definitely a perfect opportunity to discuss the topic further. I have found that books are usually the best way to start conversations. It allows you to bring up different aspects of kindness and have a variety of different conversations. Here is a list of children’s books about kindness that are perfect for upper elementary classrooms.
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1. Each Kindness
The book, Each Kindness, is a perfect gateway for building community within your upper elementary classroom. The book tells the story of a girl and a couple of her friends who shun a new girl at the school who is trying to befriend them. After some time, the ‘new’ girl retreats and plays by herself. When the teacher presents a lesson on kindness in class, the main character realizes she has done wrong. However, she is never given the opportunity to make it right again.
This book works well with older students because the text and illustrations are presented in a mature and relatable manner. Also, the ending is not the usual “happily ever after” ending that most are use to. It teaches that in life we sometimes do not get a second chance to make things right.
2. Mr. Peabody’s Apples
Mr. Peabody’s Apples tells the story of a beloved baseball coach in the town of Happville, who becomes ostracized when a rumor is spread around town about him. He helps the ‘rumor spreader’ realize that he has made a mistake. He also teaches him how hurtful rumors can be and just how difficult (and near impossible) it is to take it back.
This book provides teachers with the opportunity to discuss how hurtful words can be. It’s text and illustrations present the moral in a mature way that upper elementary students can relate to.
3. Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch
Mr. Hatch keeps to himself mostly. One Valentine’s Day, he receives a gift from a secret admire that states, “Somebody Loves You.” This makes him feel happy. As a result, Mr. Hatch becomes more social and makes friends with people in his community. At the end of the story, he discovers that it was a mistake.
The powerful message of the effects of love and kindness is clear in Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch.
4. Those Shoes
Those Shoes is truly heartwarming. It tells the story about Jeremy who wants to own a pair of shoes that everyone else at school is wearing. His grandmother tells him that they do not have room for wants, only needs. He notices the same pair of shoes at a thrift store. Although they are too small for him, he still uses his money to buy them. Unfortunately, he can not wear them to school because they hurt his feet too much.
Jeremy notices that one of the boys in his class has his shoes taped up. When one of the shoes comes apart, he leaves the “popular” shoes he owns on the boy’s doorsteps. It is a story about kindness and unselfishness.
5. One Drop of Kindness
One Drop of Kindness tells the story of Gus. Gus was once an orphan after his mom passed away. He settles with a family and shows up at a new school where kindness could not be found. While he is unkind through his actions, he remembers his mom’s words often, “One drop of kindness is all it takes to fill a heart with love.”
When a gleeful girl shows up, Gus begins to change. Her action, and his, started a ripple effect of kindness. The school soon becomes known as The Kindness Academy and Gus becomes known as The Kindness Kid.
6. The Power of One: Every Act of Kindness Counts
This book is so powerful. The Power of One is a quick read with simple yet powerful illustrations. It shows that just one act of kindness can lead to a ripple effect. It shows how “one” is the starting point for change.
7. The Juice Box Bully
The Juice Box Bully is the story of a boy new to the school. His name is Pete. Pete is not kind and tends to bully kids around him. The other kids vowed to never be bystanders, so they stand up to him. Pete realizes that bullying isn’t getting him the response he hoped for, so he changes.
This book gives you the opportunity to not just speak about kindness, but to teach students to stand up for those around them.
8. Good People Everywhere
In a world where everything seems upside down right now, this book shows that there are many good people in the world. Good People Everywhere highlights the different types of people you can find being kind and helpful.
I love this book because it is a great introduction to helping kids look for people who are doing good. It’s a great introduction to using the Random Acts of Kindness resource to highlight students who are doing the right thing.
9. What is Given from the Heart
This book is one is a lot like Those Shoes and is one of the most touching children’s books about kindness. It tells the story of a mother and son who don’t have much. However, when a family loses everything in a fire, they each find a way to give in their own way.
What is Given from the Heart contains such a great lesson. It shows that everyone, no matter how old or young, rich or poor, has something to offer.
10. Because Amelia Smiled
If you are familiar with If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, this book will remind you of it. It is written as a circular story. Because Amelia Smiled a whole chain reaction of events occur. This story teaches the reader that a smile can go a long way and cause a ripple effect.
If you like to use a variety of picture books to cover different topics, make sure to check out all the different read aloud posts we have culminated. What other children’s books about kindness do you like to use in your upper elementary classroom? Let us know in the comments below.