Picture books are always a great way to introduce a lesson, and reading aloud a book to upper elementary students when teaching idioms is no exception. As a matter of fact, they absolutely LOVE interacting with these books. From trying to guess the idiom from the illustration provided in the book to inferring what the idiom means, it is such a fun and engaging way to start the lesson.
Below, I have provided a list of books that make great additions to the classroom either as read alouds or as reference materials for your upper elementary students.
The first section lists funny read alouds that incorporate idioms throughout them. Students will get a kick out of the literal meanings of the idioms as they are portrayed throughout the book. The second section lists titles that include collections of idioms and directly explain the meaning of each of them.
(This blog post contains Amazon Affiliate links throughout in order to help you find the resources quickly. This means that Amazon will send a few pennies my way for orders placed through the link at no extra charge to you.)
Entertaining Picture Books for Teaching Idioms:
1. More Parts by Tedd Arnold
2. Even More Parts by Tedd Arnold
Books Containing Idioms and Explain Their Meaning:
Raining Cats and Dogs: A Collection of Irresistible Idioms and Illustrations to Tickle the Funny Bones of Young People by Will Moses
Birds of a Feather: A Book of Idioms and Silly Pictures by Vanita Oelschlager
Birds of a Feather has more of a primary feel as the illustrations are large and colorful and the idioms are written in large fonts, but the idioms’ meanings are included and sample sentences as well. It is a fun book (just take a look at the characters’ expressions) that can easily been shared and read aloud to a large group of students.
There’s a Frog in my Throat!: 440 Animal Sayings a Little Bird Told Me by Holiday House
Hair of the Dog to Paint the Town Red: The Curious Origins of Everyday Saying and Fun Phrases by Andrew Thompson
What I love about Hair of the Dog to Paint the Town Red, is that although it is not a read aloud book, students who are curious by nature will love the fact that in this book the origins behind 400 idioms are included.
In a Pickle and Other Funny Idioms by Marvin Turban
Mad as a Wet Hen and Other Funny Idioms by Marvin Turban
Punching the Clock: Funny Action Idioms by Marvin Turban
Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms by Marvin Turban
Extension/Early Finishers Activity:
Scavenger Hunt
Idiom T-Shirt Design and Fashion Show
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